Tuesday 26 June 2012


The past few days have been very long. The funeral for me was pretty hard but I think it was the chance I needed to say my final goodbye. One of the good things that came out of it was that I met a lot of people that my friend touched and even though they were strangers it was like meeting long lost family.

Other feelings are still hard to put into words because what she did for me and now not really having a proper chance to thank her for that but somehow I think I will find a way. I think as I process everything more I will be able to write more about it.

Time for an update on the weight loss situation. I have been really watching everything I eat, the times I do and taking the fibre supplement like I am supposed to and it is really helping. I was diagnosed with I.B.S. and possible Chron`s earlier this year and I have to be careful with what I eat otherwise it can be really painful (cramps) or it can swing back and forth from constipation to diarrhea. SO avoiding breads and dairy have helped a lot in that respect. Getting all of the crap put my system is helping lost the weight and get back to where I was a month or so ago before I hurt my back. I use the Wii fit to weigh mysle fand keep track of everything too and I weighed in at 237.8 pounds.

Life calls so I will write more later.

Parting thought: Sometimes it isn`t answer you need it is the journey to it that you do.

Saturday 23 June 2012


It has been a while since I wrote anything because life kinda does that to you. There has been a lot going on and I will be adding to it later is the passing of my friend and her funeral is tomorrow. That is going to be a hard one.

One of the things that that I was going to talk about now is hurting my back again. This time it was bad and I was on some serious meds for a while just to be able to function. Thankfully now it is at a state where the pain is tolerable and I can get around without searing pain. On a scale of 1 to 10 right now it is about a 4. I can handle it but the pain is pretty draining.

I think that if I lose more weight and get in better shape the damage that is already done to my back can be repaired with minimal recovery time.Weighing myself today I came in at 244.5 pounds and with the back injury it is a good starting point again. A goal for myself is 225 pounds and once I get there I can decide how I want to take my body, either trim a little more or start weight lifting again.

One of the biggest aspects that I have to keep track of is my diet. Not just for weight loss but for medical reasons as well. But the biggest things I have cut down are sugars and the dairy products. The sugars I have for the most part gotten rid of but the dairy is the really hard part for me. I think that with the restart of losing the weight I just have to stop eating it cold turkey even though it means giving up one of my favourite foods. (cheese) Well lets see how that goes.

One of the good things on my side is that I am just a little stubborn so I will stick to this and I will let you know how this is going.

Parting thought:  Just keep going. Just because you may stumble doesn't mean your journey is over