Wednesday 21 March 2012


I have been floating around the 250 pound mark now which is a good thing considering where I have been. Yes it has been a while since I have written. Kids will do that to you. At my heaviest I was 295 pounds so now being 248 I am feeling a lot better about myself.

Most of my belly is gone and I think that about 15 pounds more it will all be gone. Reading a lot of health and healthy body types I have realised how out of whack it is especially the BMI thing is. It takes your sex, age, height , and weight and comes up with a number. The biggest thing and the most glaring errors of this index is the face it does not take into account for body type and muscle mass. Because someone could be (like I was at one time) 305 pounds and 6 % body fat and 6 feet 2 inches tall and according to this index I would be obese! I know common sense would say I wasn't but I am just saying what it would say.

What also plays a huge factor is body type. Mine for instance is mesomorph so I have a large bone and muscle structure so I carry weight differently than an Ectomorph (really skinny) and Endomporph (Pear shaped). According the the BMI index I should be between 185 to 197 pounds and for anyone who knows me would be laughing at that because even I don't think that would be healthy.

If anyone who reads this is trying to lose weight never go by any indexes but go by what look and feels good and remember that it takes time. The best results never come quickly.

Parting thought: If you are looking for validation the only place to look for it is in the mirror

Friday 9 March 2012


Dear Reader,

Today is a better day for me I think I have finally made it through most of the nastier side effects if the meds that I switched to. I am still losing weight which is a good and bad thing. I need to lose the weight but I can barely eat for the almost past month. I am getting fluids but just not a lot of food. Mostly because it tastes 'off' and after 2 or 3 bites I am full. I wonder how long this is going to last?

I hate it because I do most of the cooking and I can smell the food and it smells great but having no appetite is just an evil joke.

On the positive side now my energy is back and at least I can get back to working out again and feel a little better about myself.

Parting thought: You can't please everyone on the planet. Work on yourself and then the ones closest to you. It will spread