Tuesday 28 February 2012


Dear Reader,

I think it is time for a weight update. This morning it was 264.2 which isn't too bad it is progress.I have made notes about my weight on other blogs and such but I am just sticking to this one for now. Not as much as I would like though. I could do more if it wasn't for the side effects of the medications I am taking oh my got they can really suck ass at times. I have zero appetite and along with that is the hunger pains and what little food I do eat tastes weird. Pop for instance has a nasty taste and even if the bottle is just opened it tastes flat. There is also the feeling of constantly being cold the the worst one of all is the feeling if all is feeling stupid. But thankfully that one is starting to go away.

After the second week on this and some of the side effects are starting to go away but I know some of them won't completely go  or will take a longer time to go. The one causing most of the problems (and yes I was warned about them is Topomax) It is a mood stabiliser and ailing with the cocktail of other medications I am taking I am doing well in that respect. Which is a good thing.

I have to get into working out again. I used to have plans all designed for me but in a bunch of moves I have lost them. I have gotten some basic weights and some resistance bands and now my search goes on line to find something adequate enough until I can design one for myself. Life calls for now so bye for now.

Parting thought: When it comes to working out don't ever think you can do what everyone else does. Start at your own pace and your results will come quickly.

Saturday 25 February 2012


This is my first entry on this blog and I thought it would be a good time to start on what is going on in my life at the moment. I am  married to an amazing woman and have 4 crazy kids ages 11, 10 2 1/2, 4 months. One of my biggest struggles in life is having bipolar disorder and I was diagnosed with that in 2004 but looking back I have been having problems off and on since I was 17.

The biggest kick in the ass not including having this illness is the medications that you take and the possible side effects of them. Most of them have some form of nausea and vertigo but a little known to others outside of people who take these meds is weight gain. When I started them I weighed 230 pounds and was in great shape and then after 6  or so years on it I stepped on a scale and was almost 300 and went HOLY CRAP! Well anyone who knows me I wouldn't say 'crap'.

Anyway being someone though out my life was in shape until this I have been trying to get my ass in gear. I got from 295 down to 270 and was completely stuck. I was working out and doing cardio and still just stuck at 270. It was really pissing me off. When I went to my doctor a week and a half ago and he changed my medications a little and it has helped. (Which I will do into more detail in my next entry)

I am a pretty open person and if someone actually reads this and has questions ask and I will do my best to answer them but remember that you may not like the answers you get. Anyone who knows me I can be very blunt.

I am at a very comfortable part of my like with who I am, what I want, and where I am going in life. I have wonderful family and friends who I would trade for the world. I may not have a lot of money but I have what I need. But  also on here I think if you do read this you will find that stupid people piss me right the fuck off and I don't hesitate to tell them that.

I think that is a good start for a first entry and I will see where it goes from here and here is a little parting thought:
Don't be afraid to be yourself because when you act like everyone else you will get lost in the crowd.